“Ello Mates!
Here is a little preview of what’s been happening here in Sydney. Miss you all!
Thursday: We landed at like 6 am and had a brief orientation type deal. After that we had the entire day free so we basically just walked around and got to know each other and the city. We all bonded really really fast it was crazy. Then we went to dinner at the Sydney tower, which is the highest point in Sydney. I ate Kangaroo and im still having trouble getting over how bizarre it was to eat.
Friday: We went to the Art Gallery which was alright, not my favorite but kind of cool. After we took the ferry to a beach called Manly (this is going to be my future home. My friend Rachel and I are moving here fairly soon so remember the name so you all can visit) We went snorkeling in the ocean and admired the locals and their AWESOME lives
Saturday: We got on a bus at 8:30 am for what was literally an all day tour. We got back to the hotel at 4 pm. On the tour we stopped at all these different places and took pictures and ate and went to the beach. It was awesome and our bus driver told us that we restored his faith in humanity. I teared a little. Miss Dave. We ate dinner all together in Darling Harbor and saw a fireworks show for the upcoming Mum’s day.
Sunday: We went to the Australian Museum and walked around a little. Then we had to do a self-guided tour through china town. Not going to lie, it was not the most fun. nobody could understand what we were saying and it was a hot mess. Then we chilled at Buddha’s birthday celebration for a while.
Monday: We went to Sydney Wildlife World. Koalas rule. That’s all there is to it. They exceeded my expectations in cuteness while Kangaroos let me down a little bit. They were kind of creepishly too humanlike and it was weirding me out. You will see what I mean by the pics. Very odd. Then we went to the Maritime Museum. Later we went to the Barracks and saw where they kept prisoners. At night we went to the Rugby game and it was sooo much fun. We went to the bar and hung out with the locals for a bit before heading over to the game. I met my Rugby husband Liam (who I will be living on Manly with. A little awkward looking but hey I wasn’t picky which one would come up and take a pic with me)
Tuesday: We toured the Botanic Gardens (worst part) it was boring. But then we got to tour the Sydney Opera House and it was so cool!
Tomorrow we have a free day and I am not too sure what we are going to do yet but we might do a bike tour or white water rafting or just head back to the beach. Not sureeeeeeeee
Hope this wasn’t extremely boring to read!! I tried not to go into boring detail, just for any peeps that care at all what I’ve been doing! Wish all my American people were here with me to experience my down under experience. If anyone feels like jumping on a plane feel free! LOVE